Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wiki assignment 2-12-13

1. What countries did Napoleon annex? - Parts of Sweden, Prussia, The Netherlands, Belgium, Parts of Italy and Germany, Austria, and Spain

2. What did Napoleon do to the Holy Roman Empire and to Prussia? - Dissolves Hre that creates 38 members confederation of the Rhine. Cuts Prussia in half; turns old Poland into Duchy of Warsaw

3. Describe the strategies Napoleon employed to control Europe. - placing relatives and friends on thrones of conquered nations

4. How did Napoleon’s successes affect France? - nationalism rises and sells land to USA

5. How did Napoleon try to attack Britain? - Tried attacking Britisn by battling them

6. How did rising nationalism in other countries affect France? - inspires revolts against France

7. Describe the kind of resistance Napoleon experienced in Spain. -

8. Describe the events surrounding the Battle of Austerlitz. -

9. Explain the policy the Russians implemented when Napoleon invaded their country? - Russia is invaded by Napoleon put together a Scorched Earth Policy. Napoleon did not get any of the goods.

10. How did the Russian’s manage to defeat Napoleon’s troops? - Burnt their city down.

11. What happened after Napoleon was abdicated? - he gave up his throne; Louis 18th takes over.

12. Describe the Battle of Waterloo? - In Belguim; Napoleon loses for good. Forced to abdicate again. Sent to St. Helena

13. Which leaders gathered at the Congress of Vienna and who did they represent? - Austria Prince Klemons Von Metternich , Prussia - King Fredrick William III, Russia - Czar Alexander I, Great Britain - Castlereagh, and France - Prince Talleyrand.

14. Describe the accomplishments of the Congress of Vienna. - established a stable Europe,no more Roman Empire, peace for 100 years


Monday, February 4, 2013