Tuesday, December 11, 2012

There were many reasons that the Renaissance started and blossomed in Italy. One reason was that city-states at this time Italy was currently made up of many states and wasn't a single country some of the most important were Florence, Milan, Venice and Genoa. The Second reason was that  Italy was the centre of trade in Europe. It was started in Italy because they were centrally located and they had a lot of peninsulas. All of the trade goes through Italy before it goes anywhere else.

Tweets! Lucy and Kelsey

Martin Luther

  • I was a Theologian and religious reformer who founded the Lutheran religion.
  • 3 January 1521: I was excommunicated by Pope Leo X
  •  I was kidnapped by Frederick, and taken to Wartburg Castle on May 4 1521
  • 1517-18 I gave lectures on Hebrews.